Botox me cont...

7:58 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Well it's been a week since I got the Botox. 4 injections in all in my left calf muscle, 2 of which really really hurt (I have hypersensitivity in some parts of my leg). It seems to be working, not completely yet, I was told it could take up to 2 weeks to be able to see the effects. Already I have less spasticity and much les clonus.

The problem is my quad... either it is MORE spastic or i am just noticing it more as the lower leg is "quieter". I have to see my doctor in another week and a half so will discuss it then.

I had some side effects, mainly fatigue and headache, but being a nursing student also does that, so who knows!

I'll post more updates as they come...

This is not a pic of me, but it's what it looks like when they do it..