Urodynamic Testing A.K.A. Things I find Embarassing

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So, had another test today. One I have once a year every year since I was paralyzed... It is the test I HATE THE MOST! I find it embarassing and intrussive, but it needs to be done...

It is a UrodynamicTest. You ask, "what is this?", I'll tell you!
Basically it is a study that assesses how the bladder and urethra are performing their job of storing and releasing urine. In my case it doesn't do either well as I have aneurogenic bladder. Yippee for me! It's common with people who are paraplegic like me, who has an injury in the Thoracic spine and quadraplegics.

My tracings look something like these top two.. all is calm and quiet, then at around 200cc it rises, then calms down again, then at another 50cc it goes up again, eventually it just makes lots of peaks as my bladder is filled and all I want to do is void!

The other pic is of the computer and IV pole with the Sterile water or NS (I'm not sure) they use to fill you up...