First Day

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Ok, I made it through DAY 1... LONG lab day, but good. Had fun too, found out who would be in my clinical group, out of the 7 of us I know 4, the other 2 are from the previous year.

My clinical teacher is apparently the one to have, the others are jealous, so I guess it's a good sign. She is strict, and demanding in what she wants, but has a sense of humour and is friendly. We'll see what she's like in clinical. I am on 6 medical at the RVH. Never been to that ward, been told that we get a real mix of diagnoses. Should be interesting...

So, here we go! Oh ya, she also told us that it is impossible to get 80's-90's in Med-Surge II... great! NOT a good sign when the teacher tells you this... oye!

Well, I'll keep you all posted (literally) on what happens, that's it for now, I have to go do some homework for TOMORROW!